CEDAR Project in detail
What is domestic violence or abuse?
Domestic abuse is the abuse of a person within an intimate or family relationship. The abuse can be physical, emotional, psychological, financial, or sexual. If the person has been frightened and forced to change their behaviour, this is likely to have been abuse.
What does the CEDAR Project offer?
The CEDAR Project offers a safe friendly service for families with children who have been impacted by domestic abuse. We have extensive experience of supporting adults and children impacted by domestic abuse. We offer:
A safe friendly service
One to one session’s
Trips and outings
Telephone support
Fully trained staff and volunteers with enhanced DBS checks
CARIS (Children Acquiring Resilience in Schools) aimed at Supporting Primary Schools and Senior Schools helping children to understand their emotions see the seven steps on the website www.cedarprime.org
What effect does it have on children?
Children and young people can suffer serious long-term emotional effects. Even if they are not physically harmed, children and young people may suffer lasting emotional and psychological damage as a result of witnessing, hearing or becoming aware of the abuse.
Children and young people may feel they are to blame or feel angry, guilty, insecure, alone, frightened, and powerless. They may have confused feelings both towards the perpetrator and the non-abusing parent.
What symptoms do children experience when they have been affected by domestic violence?
Stress related illnesses
Anxiety or depression
Sleep problems
Nightmares or flashbacks
Unexplained physical symptoms such as tummy aches
Bed wetting
Temper tantrums
Truanting or problems at school
Aggression, violence and anti-social behaviour
Withdrawal from friends and family
Low self-esteem
Misuse of alcohol or drugs
Self-harm or suicidal thoughts
Eating disorders
What is the CEDAR PROJECT?
CEDAR stands for ‘Children Emerging from Domestic Abusive Relationships. The project aims to provide an outreach service to children and young people impacted by domestic abuse.
What services does the CEDAR Project offer?
The CEDAR PROJECT Co-ordinator can meet with families at their home, at a children’s centre, school or in a safe place in which they feel happy to meet.
We aim to help children and young people to think about and understand their experiences of living with or witnessing domestic abuse.
We encourage parents to re-build their children’s self-confidence, improve their children’s self-esteem and we help families to recognise they are not alone.
Who is eligible for the service?
CEDAR supports families within the Bournemouth Poole and Christchurch with at least one child living at home who have been impacted by domestic abuse or emotional problems. It does not matter whether the domestic abuse is historic or still occurring.
We can help with:
Safety planning
One-to-one sessions in a safe and friendly environment using talking, listening and play techniques
Liaising with school
Telephone support – someone to listen when a parent needs to talk
Parenting advice
Access to courses and groups
Information about other services and resources
What is the referral process?
Referrals can be made by young people themselves, a family member or by local agencies e.g. The Family Court, School, GP, health visitors, social workers etc.
We will contact you to discuss your referral and then a CEDAR Co-ordinator will make contact with the family and arrange an initial visit. If appropriate a programme of support will be offered. This may include one-to-one sessions, group-work, telephone support and sign-posting to other agencies.
Cedar Prime An all-inclusive approach for Children & Young People reducing the effect of domestic violence and difficult family experiences.