An All-Inclusive Approach For Children & Young People reducing the effects of Domestic Abuse and Difficult Family Problems

Peter Webber - Co-ordinator

Our guides for parents and carers

Promoting a client centred method, enabling children and young people to exploring their emotions through reflective thinking, allowing them to build positive relationships and become more resilient to change.
How CARIS can support you
One to one sessions
Arts and Crafts and more
Access to support throughout the course
Fully trained staff and volunteers with enhanced DBS checks

Our 7 Steps to being less anxious, distracted and better learning
For children and teenagers
By understanding their basic emotions and how these emotions can affect them and others around them the child will become more able to control their moods, be more empathic to others around them and feel confident and resilient to change.
Discover more for teenagers and older children >>
An all-inclusive approach for young people & children dealing with domestic violence or difficult family experiences
What our customers are saying
R Hogwood - School Governor
The CARIS booklets and program details you have sent me certainly help children to explore their emotions and help them to develop positive strategies in fun exciting way and will help them to combat negative feelings and to be more confidant and help them to embrace new learning experience.
A CARIS Grandmother
I showed the CARIS Booklet to my Granddaughter who is 6, she found it interesting and loved the colours, here words were wow I love that book can I have one.
A CARIS Parent
'This project has been a lifeline for my daughter and myself. She uses the coping techniques and advice on a daily basis'
A CARIS Teacher
This is a really good service that will imprint on the children's learning. The life skills they have gained will take them through to adolescent and adulthood.
A CARIS Customer
Fantastic Project, has helped both my girls (even if they won't admit it) Great to know these services are available to support families. Thank you
A CARIS Parent
The course has helped our son open up & build his confidence. He has now learnt to associate more with other kids at school.
A CARIS Parent
Peter has been working with my 6 year old daughter for nearly 6 months. She has enjoyed the activities that Peter offers and he has helped her to understand her feelings more and who to talk to about them. We refer to Peter as a Professional Grandad
A CARIS Parent
I have seen such a change in my son, Peters work has inspired me to become a Youth Worker